Version 5.0.7
The price step for 434 Binance SPOT instruments has been changed in accordance with the specifications.
New instruments for the Bitmex exchange have been added: AAVEUSDT, MATICUSDT, SUSHIUSDT, VETUSDT, SOLUSDT, FILUSDT, AXSUSDT.
New instruments for the FTX exchange have been added: AUDIO-PERP, BADGER-PERP, KIN-PERP.
A new instrument for the MOEX exchange has been added: GEMC.
New instruments for the SPBEX exchange have been added: COIN, PLTR.
New instruments for the NASDAQ exchange have been added: COIN, VIAC.
New instruments for the NYSE exchange have been added: PLTR, SPCE.
The price step for BSPBP and RTSB instruments has been updated according to the Moscow Exchange specification.
The standard lot for the ISKJ stock of the Moscow Exchange has been changed to 10 in accordance with the specification of this exchange.
For a paid license, all exchanges are now shown in the list of connections, regardless of which of the three websites (,, or it was purchased on.
The authorization problem when using a trial license has been fixed.
The problem with connecting to Bybit has been fixed.
Templates in DOM now work as intended.
Display of invoices when connected via Transaq Connector has been improved.
In the basic settings in the DOM section, an option Apply last settings has been added. If this option is enabled, then the last automatically saved settings of the selected instrument will be loaded when you switch an instrument in the DOM or open a new DOM.
When saving the DOM template, only the current settings will now be included in it without reference to the instrument and timeframe. This will allow the saved template to be applied to any instrument.
Dragging stop orders when connecting via Bybit have been fixed.
A prohibition of installation on 32-bit systems has been added.
Transaq Connector has been updated.
The ability to add instruments as a list to the quotes window has been implemented.
The ability to trade on sub-accounts for the FTX crypto exchange has been added.
Linking of the minimization parameter to the instrument in the DOM has been implemented.
Notifications for levels in the DOM now work correctly.
Trading of USDT contracts on the Bybit crypto exchange has been improved.
The connector to the FTX crypto exchange has been improved.
The appearance of arrows indicating trades on the chart has changed.
The Set SL/TP hot key has been fixed.
This platform version requires a 64-bit operating system and .NET Framework 4.7.2 to work.
Now you can add levels to the DOM with customizable labels and notifications.
It now comes with the ability to maximize the window to the size of the application window using a hot key when displaying multiple windows on a single tab.
A magnet mode in the chart window allows you to magnetize control points of graphical objects to the OHLC of a candle.
An option for quick template application has been added to the object quick editing toolbar in the chart window.
A hot key for updating data has been added (analogous to selecting File → Refresh data in the menu) for all windows.
A hot key and icon have been added for updating data in the active chart window.
The ability has been added to display the connection status in the title of the main window, as well as to establish and disconnect the connection by clicking on an indicator.
The Configuration save interval parameter has been added to the basic settings, which allows you to configure how often the complete application configuration should be saved in minutes. If you enter 0, autosave is disabled.
A new Turnover column has been added to the quotes window, which shows the turnover of an asset in money.
A new connector for the FTX crypto exchange has been implemented and is available through both a paid and a free license.
The ability to trade Coin-M futures on the Binance crypto exchange has been added.
For those who trade cryptocurrency using a free license, a new Crypto server has been added, which can be selected through the menu Settings → Login options.
Last updated