How does automatic account selection work?
In the Basic settings → Trading section, you can specify how the account will be selected in the trading toolbar. If you have enabled the auto-substitution mode, then the account will be inserted automatically into the open Chart and DOM trading toolbars when connecting to a crypto exchange or terminal.
Let’s take a look at 3 cases:
1. If you have one connection of the same type (only one Bitfinex or one QUIK, or only one Binance, etc.), then the account will be substituted for the specified connection regardless of the auto-connection status (this is typical for crypto exchanges).
2. If you have multiple connections of different types (e.g., Binance and QUIK), account substitution will only occur in the trading toolbars of the corresponding instruments.
3. If you have several connections of the same type (e.g., 2 crypto exchanges or 2 terminals), then:
2 crypto exchanges, both with auto-connection (there are checkmarks in the “Auto-connect” column) — the account will not be substituted.
2 crypto exchanges, one of which has auto-connection — its account number will be substituted in the trading toolbars.
2 terminals — the account will not be substituted.
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