How to provide Tiger.Trade Windows app logs for investigation?

If you encounter difficulties while using the Tiger.Trade Windows terminal and require assistance from our technical support, please provide the WorkLogs and ErrorLogs for our investigation.

To obtain the Tiger.Trade terminal logs, follow these steps: Step 1: Restart the app.

  1. Close all open Tiger.Trade terminal windows.

Step 2: Location of WorkLogs and ErrorLogs

  1. In the top menu of the Tiger.Trade terminal, select "File"

Step 3: Getting the logs

  1. A File Explorer window will open, displaying the folder containing logs (in work and error log formats).

  2. Inside the folder, you'll find files named with the corresponding date.

  1. Save the text document containing the work/error logs.

  2. Send the saved document to our technical support at

  3. In the email body, describe the situation you encountered. Attach screenshots and video, if it is necessary.

If you face difficulties in sending log files, manually copy the text of the work and error logs:

  1. Copy the text of the work log and error log.

  2. Open a standard text document (e.g., in a text editor or through Google Docs).

  3. Paste the copied text of the work log into the document.

Now, our team can efficiently investigate the root cause of your issues with up-to-date work logs.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Last updated