The DOM window contains all the necessary information for trading: dynamic DOM, transactions chart, clusters.

The DOM window includes:

  • Main toolbar

  • Information panel

  • Cluster area

  • Graph area

  • DOM area

  • Trader module

Main toolbar

Using the main toolbar, you can:

  • Open the settings and options menu

  • Select an instrument and portfolio

  • Select cluster period

  • Show or hide information panel

  • Show or hide cluster area

  • Show or hide graph area

  • Select order volume

  • Enable or disable trigger orders

  • Set take profit

  • Set stop loss

  • Indicate price scale

For each instrument, 5 preset lots starting from the minimum volume for the instrument are set by default.

When choosing the volume of the order for cryptocurrencies, you can enter the trading volume in the quote currency or in the base currency.

In settings and options, click:

DOM settings to open the DOM parameters toolbar

Themes Manager to open the DOM color scheme editor

Zoom to change the DOM scale

DOM Trader to open the trader module

Setup Toolbars to reconfigure the toolbars based on your preferences.

Information panel

Position PnL — profit or loss on an open position.

Position Price — average price of an open position.

Position Size — volume of an open position.

Total Points — profit or loss in points for the current day.

Total Net PnL — profit or loss in the quote currency, taking into account commission for the quote currency day and the amount of the commission.

Deal — a list of the most recent executed transactions for the current day.

To configure the data that is displayed in the dashboard, as well as to clear the list of transactions or reset the financial result, right-click on this panel.

In the menu that opens, you can also go to the DOM parameter settings, enable or disable the trader module, and configure toolbars.

Cluster area

The cluster area shows information about completed transactions that is grouped into clusters. There are three types of clusters: Volume, Delta and Bid/Ask. Clusters can be grouped by a specified time interval, volume, delta, transactions and range.

To configure the cluster parameters, right-click on the cluster area and go to DOM parameters → Cluster.

To change the cluster width, go to DOM settingsClusterBackground and specify a new cell width. To make it faster, move the cursor over the cluster area and scroll the mouse wheel; the size will change. The minimum step value is 1.

Clusters can be moved within the cluster area to view the history. To do so, left-click on the cluster area and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the required direction. To return the clusters to their place, double-click the left mouse button on the cluster area.

Graph area

The graph area shows information about completed trades. The red circles highlight sells, while the blue ones are for buys.

With that said, red orders in the DOM itself are asks, while blue ones are bids.

By right-clicking on the graph area, you can proceed to the next menu:

Let’s take a closer look at level settings. Head over to the Levels menu from the screenshot above and create a new level with its own settings.

The DOM saves settings from the last level you created. Levels are saved regardless of the symbol, meaning they apply to all DOMs. Even relaunching the terminal doesn’t reset level settings.

Look and feel of signal levels in the DOM window (they take up half the width of the Trade feed):

DOM area

A dynamic DOM is displayed in the DOM area.

Trader module

The trader module that allows you to undertake trading operations through the DOM window appears as follows:

The trader module contains:

  • Buttons to complete trading operations

  • A block with information on an open position

  • A block for selecting a trading account, order volume, order validity period, and exit strategies management

  • Order entry block

The trader module of the DOM window is virtually identical to the chart trading toolbar of the Chart window. For a detailed look at the elements go to Windows → Chart → Trading from a chart.

Last updated