Trader WorkStation (Interactive Brokers)
Connecting Tiger.Trade Windows to the Trader WorkStation (TWS) terminal
Interactive Brokers customers can setup connection of the Tiger.Trade platform to Trader Workstation terminal.
When connected to TWS, there are limits on the number of tick data connections that the terminal can be subscribed to at a time. More information is available in the documentation on the Interactive Brokers website, as well as in the technical support of the broker.
If the limit on the number of instruments is exceeded, a pop-up window will be shown in the Tiger.Trade terminal with the corresponding notification: Max number of tick-by-tick requests has been reached.
Follow these steps:
1. Start Trader Workstation in main menu click File - Global Config.
2. Select Configuration - API - Settings.
3. Please turn on these features if they are not checked:
Enable ActiveX and Socket clients
Download open orders on connection
Allow connections from localhost only
4. Remember socket port № (7497 by default). If this port is in use by other software - change it to a free one.
5. Press OK to Save and exit.
6. Start Tiger.Trade choose File in main menu - Connections - Setup.
7. In the opened window click “+” Create new connection and select TWS in dropdown list.
8. In connection setup window type in Server, Port: 7497 (or other socket port that you choose) If this is the only connection to Trader Workstation, set ID client to 0 (zero). Press ОК.
You have successfully setup connection to Interactive Brokers. To connect Tiger.Trade to Interactive Brokers use File - Connections - TWS.
When using a connection to Trader WorkStation and viewing the trade feed, you may periodically see differences in the form of additional ticks that may appear in the terminal windows, but not in the feed of Trader WorkStation. Tiger.Trade Windows displays only the information that is broadcast by the Trader WorkStation terminal via the API, therefore, there is no error in the Tiger.Trade Windows terminal itself.
Last updated