

The preset determines the view of the cluster in the DOM window. The Tiger.Trade terminal has approximately 30 presets representing clusters, which are based on Volume, Delta, Bid x Ask, Open, and Trades data.



Show Values

This option enables or disables the display of text in the cluster cells.

Minimize Values

Values above 1,000 will be replaced with the following format: 1K, 23K, and similar numerical values. Values above 1,000,000 will be replaced with the following format: 1M, 12M, and similar numerical values.

Round Values

This option has a range of values from -4 to 4. The values -1, -2, -3, -4 divide the volume by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000; values from 1 to 4 specify the number of decimal places.

Show Maximum

When this option is enabled, the cell with the maximum volume will be highlighted by a frame.

Min Value

Sets the number below which the values in the cells will not be displayed.



Border Type

You can change the cluster border to one of four values: Box, Colored Box (the color of the candle direction), Candle, Colored Candle (the color of the candle direction).

Border Width

Sets the width of the border lines.

Show Dir Marker

This option includes a marker to the left of the cells in the form of a vertical dynamic line, which has the color of a falling or rising candlestick and indicates the direction of price movement over the period.

Direction marker width

This option sets the width of the marker.



Claster Width

This option sets the value of the cell width.

Cell Type

This setting allows you to display cells without offsets, with offsets, and with a border (each cell will be merged).

Proportion Value

Sets the value at which the cell will be filled completely assuming that the passed volume is equal or higher.

Show Value Area

This option includes the borders within which the maximum passed volume will be concentrated.

ValueArea %

By default, the value is set to 70% of the entire bar for the period; in this field you can indicate your own value.



Bar Time

This option enables the time with a specified bar period to be displayed at the bottom of the area with clusters.

Bar Volume

This option enables the traded volume for the bar period to be displayed at the bottom of the area with clusters.

Bar Delta

This option enables the delta for the bar period to be displayed at the bottom of the area with clusters.



Value Filters

Ability to configure several filters at once by data type: Volume, Trades, Bid, Ask, Delta.

Last updated