In the main settings of the DOM parameters, you can configure the areas of the trade feed and DOM.
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In the main settings of the DOM parameters, you can configure the areas of the trade feed and DOM.
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Hide Trades Less
All volumes in the trade feed in the form of circles that are less than the specified number will not be displayed.
Hide Values Less
All volume figures in circles in the trade feed that are less than the specified number will not be displayed, while the circles themselves will be displayed.
Minimize Values
Values above 1,000 will be replaced with the format based on the example: 1K, 23K, and similar numerical values. Values above 1,000,000 will be replaced with a format based on the example: 1M, 12M, and similar numerical values.
Round Values
This option has a range of values from -4 to 4. The values -1, -2, -3, -4 divide the volume by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000; values from 1 to 4 specify the number of decimal places (relevant for cryptocurrency).
Compact Mode
If you enable this option, the display of the trade feed will be narrowed by 1.5 times horizontally.
Aggregate Trades
The enabled option combines several transactions into one if the time of these transactions is the same (the comparison is in microseconds) and the direction of the transactions is the same. Aggregated trades are visually displayed as rectangles and not circles.
Show Trades Line
All circles and rectangles in the trade feed will be connected by a line when this option is enabled.
Trades Line Width
Option where the thickness of the connecting line can be set.
Scale Max Value
Controls the shading of a cell with a limit order in proportion to the specified value. The cell in the DOM will be completely filled if the number of limit orders reaches the specified value and becomes equal or higher.
Minimize Values
Values above 1,000 will be replaced with the format based on the example: 1K, 23K, and similar numerical values. Values above 1,000,000 will be replaced with a format based on the example: 1M, 12M, and similar numerical values.
Round Values
This option has a range of values from -4 to 4. The values -1, -2, -3, -4 divide the volume by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000; values from 1 to 4 specify the number of decimal places (relevant for cryptocurrency).
Horizontal Grid Step
It is set in price steps and controls the interval between horizontal lines on the field in the DOM window area.
Auto Scroll Threshold
The value is determined by how many points the DOM can move to the top or bottom of the window from the center, so that the DOM can be centered.
Orders panel margin width
The value of the width of the area to the right of the DOM is set where own limit orders are displayed.
Show prices in spread
This option enables prices to be displayed if there is a spread in the order book. When this option is disabled, the gap between Bid and Ask will be empty.
Size Filters
In this parameter, you can add one or several filters with background and text color setting for the appearance of a certain numerical value of limit orders in the DOM from a specified range from the minimum to maximum value.
Enable Detection
This option enables or disables detection of the appearance of an iceberg order in the DOM.
Min Order Size
The minimum value of the visible part of the iceberg order is set when it is updated.
Order Size Multiplier
The volume multiplier is set and will determine how many times the visible part of the iceberg order must be updated before highlighting it in the DOM.
This section is devoted to configuring the histogram in the area of the trade feed, which is adjacent to its left edge.
Histogram Type
This option determines the display of the histogram with coloring by Volume, Delta, Trades, Bid x Ask.
Cell Type
This setting allows you to display cells without offsets, with offsets, and with a border (each cell will be merged).
The period for which data from the options will be accounted for is indicated: Current day, Previous day, Current week, Previous week, Current month, Previous month, Contract (for futures).
This option enables the histogram to be colored with a gradient.
Show Values
This option enables or disables numerical values in the histogram.
Minimize Values
Values above 1,000 will be replaced with the following format: 1K, 23K, and similar numerical values. Values above 1,000,000 will be replaced with the following format: 1M, 12M, and similar numerical values.
Round Values
This option has a range of values from -4 to 4. The values -1, -2, -3, -4 divide the volume by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000; values from 1 to 4 specify the number of decimal places (relevant for cryptocurrency).
Show Value Area
This option includes the borders within which the maximum passed volume will be concentrated.
ValueArea %
By default, the value is set to 70% of the entire bar for the period; in this field you can indicate your own value.
Extend ValueArea
This option enables the extension of the ValueAre line to the DOM.
Show POC
This option enables the maximum passed volume to be displayed on the histogram as a signed red line.
Extend POC
This option enables the extension of the POC line to the DOM.